Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Ballistic case review

The ballistic HC case for the HTC evo 4G offers great protection for your device. All the charging ports are easy to get to. There is a plastic cover over he screen, camera, flash, and a screen over the speaker. there is a built in kick stand in the case. There are three colors to choose from gray, black, and red. I have the black one I was hopping to buy the red one though. The case has been dropped a few times the phone does have a small kick at the top of the phone but with out the case the phone screen would of been shattered. The case does have some of the rubber coming off the case and a few scratches on the plastic screen. The phone clip is nice to have. One major issue I have been having with the case recently is when I am done with a phone call the screen stay black I don't know why it does that it did not do this at first. the case is fairly easy to put together and take apart but does not fall apart. I would highly recommend anyone to buy these cases!!